Find charities including animal charities, child charities, environment, people & health / disability charties
UK & International Charities;
Action Aid Action Aid is one of the UKs largest international development charities, helping poor children, families & communities in over 35 of the worlds poorest countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean.
Amnesty International For over 45 years amnesty international have campaigned for the release of people imprisoned solely for their peacefully held beliefs. to end torture and to protect people's universal human rights.
Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research & are making great progress but need regular support, people can set up a direct debit from just £2 a month.
Sight Savers
Sight savers are an international charity fighting blindness who believe that sight is a basic human right and everyone including those in the world's poorest countries should have access to treatment & eye care.
Practical Presents Practical presents is the alternative gift scheme from practical action, you can find 25 perfect gift ideas whilst helping to change the lives of communities in need throughout Africa, Asia & Latin America.
NDCS Challenges
NDCS Challenges is the UK's number one for charity challenge events, including UK charity challenges, international charity challenges and running challenges.
RSPB The royal society for the protection of birds is the UK charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds & other wildlife, from just £2.67 month you can help their work protecting wild birds & the environment.
World Land Trust Save an acre of rainforest with the world land trust, or protect a wildlife corridor for Indian elephants, help save endangered species in areas like the Amazon & Atlantic rainforests, the coral reefs and mangrove swamps in Asia & the hills of India.
WWF Adopt An Animal With WWF adoptions you can adopt an animal and help safeguard the future of a species like the bengal tiger, giant panda, orangutan, bottlenose dolphin, asian elephant & black rhino from £2.50 per month.
WWF Membership WWF members receive the WWF action magazine three times a year, this magazine includes member offers and only costs a minimum of £3 a month to join.