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Ancestry Search;
The Ancestry website for genealogy, family trees & family history records online.

Ancestry is the largest family history site online with over 500 million UK and Ireland genealogy records.

Ancestry online seach includes the following;

The largest online collection of UK family history records.
The most complete UK Census collection available online (1841-1901).
The Scottish 1841-61 Censuses.
Free birth, marriage and death indexes from 1837 - present day.
Over 800 million family history records currently on ancestry.
Parish and probate records dating back to the 1500s, you can see that with an extensive archive of records (from census, civil, ecclesiastical & immigration records) for England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales.

Ancestry.co.uk provides online access to the 75% of the UK population who are interested in or actively researching their family history.

Ancestry is the UKs leading most popular family history website offering members access to 645 million searchable names.

Started in 2001 Ancestry’s massive collection enables members to explore their family history using censuses, birth, marriage & death records, passenger lists, BT phone books & parish records, members can also explore names in other family trees and upload photos of their own, and in doing so connect to the millions of other ancestry members making their own discoveries.

Go to the Ancestry website now
